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Shareable image download issue
Open, Needs TriagePublicBUG REPORT


When clicking the share button in the tool, the generated image with the stats is not loading properly and appears broken.

Link to codebase:
Steps for installation:

image.png (1×1 px, 284 KB)

Event Timeline

Thank you for tagging this task with good first task for Wikimedia newcomers!

Newcomers often may not be aware of things that may seem obvious to seasoned contributors, so please take a moment to reflect on how this task might look to somebody who has never contributed to Wikimedia projects.

A good first task is a self-contained, non-controversial task with a clear approach. It should be well-described with pointers to help a completely new contributor, for example it should clearly pointed to the codebase URL and provide clear steps to help a contributor get setup for success. We've included some guidelines at !

Thank you for helping us drive new contributions to our projects <3

Hi @Anasvemmully , @Jayprakash12345.

I reviewed the PR, and on reviewing the patch on my PC (Mac, 16-inch), the entire text below the card position seems to have changed. Please take a look at the design changes once more.


not really sure why we have a 3rd repository in picture now

not really sure why we have a 3rd repository in picture now


Hi @Reputation22, @theprotonade,

Since this task was worked on as part of the Wikimedia Hackathon Kochi - 2024 event, participants were unable to access GitLab repositories due to the GitLab account approval process. Therefore, the work was temporarily moved to GitHub. We need to ensure that user contributions are moved to GitLab without affecting user commits.

Going forward, we will maintain our code repository exclusively on GitLab: Year in Review GitLab Repository.

Going forward, we will maintain our code repository exclusively on GitLab: Year in Review GitLab Repository.

Clarification: As I explained during the hackathon, which maybe I didn't make clear, I still plan to maintain this tool and don't want to maintain this on Gitlab. I was happy for work to happen in Gitlab for the purpose of the hackathon, but not beyond it. If you want to fork this and maintain the fork that's great and perfectly fine, but please please update the gitlab version to attribute the original in the README per the license, attribute and make this relationship clearer. I've opened T366114 to cover the most urgent issues as I see it. will continue to see updates, and feature development (most likely @ once I get time). If inclined do feel free to send some pull requests to it - there will be some big updates to it later in the year (I'm anticipating for some new upstream APIs to exist to provide more interesting factoids) and it would be nice (but by no means essential!) if the two versions mutually benefited rather than existed in different forms.