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Place flaggedrevs_reviewform or mw-data-after-content in the body content area
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Currently, the FlaggedRevs review form (which can be found in any of these articles) is in the mw-data-after-content container which in Vector 2022 takes the width of the body content area, the margin, and the right column.

As a reviewer, I need to scroll all the way down to get to this form. Instead, it should be in the body content area:

image.png (2×3 px, 515 KB)

Event Timeline

This should be fixable by changing the onSkinAfterContent hook to something else a little higher up in the skin.

I couldn't find a good hook to change it to though. If anyone can think of a good hook, I can write a patch for it.

Looking at the Vector-2022 source code (rSVEC includes/templates/skin.mustache:55 (at 4235ff0efdb3)), the only thing inserted directly below the categories is the language selector on the main page (where it’s placed at the least discoverable possible place, at the bottom of the page…). So you probably couldn’t find the right hook because it doesn’t exist. Maybe one could be introduced, but that would mean that skins not updated wouldn’t display the review form at all, and I doubt anyone would take the time to update even all WMF-deployed skins (think about Modern and Cologne Blue), not to mention third-party ones.

On the other hand, it’s a one-liner in your vector-2022.js if you don’t mind the font size becoming a bit smaller:
