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[maintain-kubeusers,infra] deal with tools with invalid names
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Toolforge kubernetes impose a pattern on Toolforge tool names. There are currently a few that doesn't check the pattern, and are therefore weird tools with either invalid k8s credentials, missing namespaces, or half configured in some other ways.

This already caused some problems, see for example:

Some examples, underscore is not allowed:

The latest version of maintain-kubeusers already ignores tools with such invalid names that would otherwise clash with k8s validations.

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Look what I just found in the proxy config:

# T301720: redirect ru_monuments to ru-monuments
if ($host ~* "^ru_monuments\.(.*)$") {
    return 301 https://ru-monuments.$1$request_uri;


dcaro renamed this task from toolforge: deal with tools with invalid names to [maintain-kubeusers,infra] deal with tools with invalid names.Tue, Jun 4, 1:28 PM
dcaro assigned this task to taavi.
dcaro triaged this task as Medium priority.

I think we can just archive those tools, as after the Grid Engine was shut down there's not much they could be used for.