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Bridge #wikimedia-rust on and
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Since the demise of the official Libera Chat Matrix bridge (, our IRC and Matrix rooms have been disconnected. Could we have bridgebot perform a basic relay to Matrix? matterbridge supports it and is listed at

I'm happy to volunteer #wikimedia-rust <--> as a test case. Thanks :)


TitleReferenceAuthorSource BranchDest Branch
Bridge #wikimedia-rust IRC and Matrixtoolforge-repos/bridgebot!5legoktmlegoktm-main-patch-72846main
Customize query in GitLab

Event Timeline

bd808 renamed this task from Bridge IRC to Matrix to Bridge #wikimedia-rust on and, Jun 6, 6:10 PM

Bridgebot has an existing Matrix account from the T337136: Test Matrix to Telegram bridge experiment.

Hmmm, I think pantalaimon is only needed for E2EE Matrix rooms, and #wikimedia-rust is a public, non-encrypted channel, so it should be fine without? I think the docs on that page are trying to say "Matterbridge doesn't properly encrypt its messages [in E2EE rooms]".

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-cloud) [2024-06-19T08:14:33Z] <wmbot~lucaswerkmeister@tools-bastion-13> toolforge build start # built from 2669fe62cd for T366767

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-cloud) [2024-06-19T08:14:47Z] <wmbot~lucaswerkmeister@tools-bastion-13> toolforge jobs restart bridgebot # T366767

Legoktm claimed this task.

Thank you!

12:12:50 <wm-bb> [matrix] <legoktm> ooh, I think the Matrix bridging is working now
12:12:58 <legoktm> o/

Screenshot_2024-06-19_12-20-08.png (200×474 px, 15 KB)

One interesting note is that once the bridging started, it relayed a message I had sent on Matrix like two weeks ago (the only previously sent message in the room). I will document this somewhere, as it might be an issue if someone tries to bridge a room with lots of history onto IRC.

Hm, I don’t see any old relayed message on the IRC side at least?

image.png (157×875 px, 24 KB)

04:15:17 --> wm-bb (~wm-bridge@wikimedia/bot/wm-bridgebot) has joined #wikimedia-rust
04:16:05 <wm-bb> [matrix] <legoktm> I filed to see if we can get the IRC<-->Matrix bridge back
07:15:14 <-- wm-bb (~wm-bridge@wikimedia/bot/wm-bridgebot) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
07:16:14 --> wm-bb (~wm-bridge@wikimedia/bot/wm-bridgebot) has joined #wikimedia-rust
07:26:53 --> lucaswerkmeister (~lucaswerk@wikidata/Lucas-Werkmeister) has joined #wikimedia-rust

(timestamps EDT, UTC-4)

(Or is that just because I joined afterwards?)

Okay, then I just forgot what happened in which order, sorry ^^