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Implement table view for all wishes
Open, Needs TriagePublic


User Story:

As a user, I want to see all the wishes that have been submitted, so I can select and view wishes that interest me.

Acceptance criteria:

  • All wishes with a status that isnot "Archive" should appear in the wishlist "wish" table.
  • Each row should include
    • Wish name
    • Assigned focus area ('Unassigned' if not in one)
    • Category/type
    • Project(s) - when "All" is selected, show "All" instead of each project.
    • wish status
    • Date (default sorting)

Benefits (why should this be implemented?):

This table is an essential way for users to quickly and easily see all wishes.


Implement a table view for all wishes, displaying each wish with its name, assigned focus area, category/type, projects, status, and date. Ensure all wishes with a status other than "Archive" are included, with sorting capabilities.


Feature: Table View for Wishes

Scenario: View all wishes in a table

Given I am on the wish index page
When the page loads
Then I should see all wishes in a table with columns for name, focus area, category/type, projects, status, and date
And I should be able to sort the table by any column

Test Steps

Test Case 1: Display all wishes in a table

  1. Navigate to the wish index page.
  2. Observe the table displaying all wishes.
  3. AC1: Confirm the table includes columns for name, focus area, category/type, projects, status, and date.
  4. AC2: Confirm wishes with a status of "Archive" are not displayed.

Test Case 2: Sort wishes by column

  1. Navigate to the wish index page.
  2. Click on a column header to sort by that column.

3.AC3: Confirm the table sorts correctly by the selected column.


QA Results - Wishlist-test.toolforge



Other Assignee

Event Timeline

@JSengupta-WMF The default wiki table allows sorting all columns, it would be more work to allow sorting only by date. Can we leave it like that?

Yes let's keep it all sortable in that case.

@KSiebert When you create a wish, does it take a day before it goes to the archive list? The first 2 screenshots were from yesterday but it moved there today. Did you want it to be moved right away if archived or do you want it to have time and if so, how long is it before it moves? Also, did you want the categories to match the exact words from the description or is the screenshot fine? Last the "Focus area" name is toughing the sort button.

Test Result - Wishlist-test.toolforge

Status: ❌ FAIL
Environment: Wishlist-test.toolforge
OS: macOS Sonoma 14.5
Browser: Chrome 126
Device: MBA
Emulated Device: NA

Test Artifact(s):

Test Steps

Test Case 1: Display all wishes in a table

  1. Navigate to the wish index page.
  2. Observe the table displaying all wishes.
  3. ❌ AC1: Confirm the table includes columns for name, focus area, category/type, projects, status, and date.
  4. ❌ AC2: Confirm wishes with a status of "Archive" are not displayed.

The "Focus Area" name is touching the sort button. Also, did you want the exact words from the description or is the screenshot below fine with the categories?

2024-06-20_14-50-35.png (1×2 px, 275 KB)

2024-06-20_14-51-27.png (686×2 px, 119 KB)

Does it take a while until it moves to the Archive list?
2024-06-21_09-46-12.png (557×1 px, 93 KB)

Test Case 2: Sort wishes by column

  1. Navigate to the wish index page.
  2. Click on a column header to sort by that column.
  3. ✅ AC3: Confirm the table sorts correctly by the selected column.

2024-06-20_14-54-52.mp4.gif (516×1 px, 492 KB)

MusikAnimal subscribed.

A lot has changed since five days ago! I believe all issues mentioned in T367161#9913994 are fixed now.

Also, did you want the exact words from the description or is the screenshot below fine with the categories?

Let's use the designs as the source of truth.

When you create a wish, does it take a day before it goes to the archive list?

It's not instant, but the archive list should be updated within 10 seconds typically.

Note the status bubbles don't have icons yet. I've added that with !110 which is associated with T363223, so you can disregard the icons while QA'ing this task.

@MusikAnimal Please review below. I'm not sure how much should be covered on the the table but just throwing it out there

Going by the Figma Link that you mentioned as the source of truth

❌ Wish Table

  • Toolforge has (UTC) by Date while Figma does not
  • Toolforge Focus area is crossing with the sort button
  • Toolforge headers are not blue like Figma
  • Toolforge has no grid lines like Figma
  • Toolforge are missing icons next to the status compared to Figma
2024-06-26_15-40-20.png (468×879 px, 76 KB)
2024-06-26_15-43-56.png (865×1 px, 191 KB)

@MusikAnimal Please review below. I'm not sure how much should be covered on the the table but just throwing it out there

Going by the Figma Link that you mentioned as the source of truth

❌ Wish Table

  • Toolforge has (UTC) by Date while Figma does not

We have to specify a timezone. You can pretend it's in the Figma for now :)

  • Toolforge Focus area is crossing with the sort button

Sorry, I hadn't updated staging yet. This should now be fixed. It's covered by T368367 anyway.

  • Toolforge headers are not blue like Figma

I hope you mean gray! That is not blue :/

Anyway, this another "Figma is wrong" thing -- I believe @JSengupta-WMF changed it to the wiki table design after we stated we were using wiki tables (as opposed to proper Codex tables), but we're actually doing both. I think it's safe to assume we prefer the Codex design.

  • Toolforge has no grid lines like Figma

Same as above, though if Joy prefers we can add the vertical borders. Codex guideline at, I can't really tell if what we have should be considered a "data-heavy" table.

  • Toolforge are missing icons next to the status compared to Figma

Done as part of T363223.

I'll just leave this task here for now since it comes down to Joy's decision. On that note -- perhaps these solely visual tasks are better reviewed by the designer? I think it's still good for QA to look at them to spot whatever else may be wrong, but the fine-grained comparisons against Figma are maybe best left to design review. Just an idea :)

@JSengupta-WMF mind reviewing the task from a design lens and identify what's launch blocking from a UX perspective?