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ZCode: Fix styling for when ZCode component is used in Z46 or Z64 types
Closed, DuplicatePublicBUG REPORT



ZCode was initially only used as a part of a ZImplementation. As this is a special page, ZCode was styled specially as a top-level component.

However, currently ZCode is also part of converter types, for which it should look more like a normal default view component.

We should re-style this so that it can adapt to the different contexts.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to

Observed behavior:

  • The Code section (under converter key) is styled as a top level section (bolds, etc)
  • The expansion toggle is visible even if there is no ZCode expanded view

Expected behavior (Acceptance criteria):

  • ZCode can be used as a top level component (in ZImplementation)
  • ZCode can also be used as a normal default view component as part of a component tree

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