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Move edit summary configuration variables to i18n message strings
Open, MediumPublic3 Estimated Story Points


  • add the strings to the extension and let them deploy on the train
  • check in with pilot wikis to see if they want to accept the default translations (T367799) if not, pilot wikis should override those summaries with the string they currently have in on-wiki config
  • deploy the code to use the i18n messages instead of the config variables (this includes removing the config variables) from the extension
  • update documentation (done)
  • pilot wikis should delete the summary variable from their on-wiki config

Event Timeline

jsn.sherman set the point value for this task to 3.
jsn.sherman moved this task from To be estimated to Up next on the Moderator-Tools-Team board.

Change #1050636 had a related patch set uploaded (by Kgraessle; author: Kgraessle):

[mediawiki/extensions/AutoModerator@master] Move edit summary configuration variables to i18n message strings

Change #1050636 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/AutoModerator@master] Move edit summary configuration variables to i18n message strings