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Wiki Family Outdated instructions
Closed, InvalidPublic


Author: jfehrman

This is a URL pointed to by the MediaWiki site that no longer works. I have been attempting to figure out how to do something similar in MediaWiki 1.18.1 however upon removing the LocalSettings.php file and attempting to install a new wiki MediaWiki throws an error on the Existing Wiki page stating "A LocalSettings.php file has been detected. To upgrade this installation, please enter the value of $wgUpgradeKey in the box below. You will find it in LocalSettings.php." Can someone help me to modify the symbolic links wiki family install to allow both me and other MediaWiki users to create Wiki Families?

Version: 1.18.x
Severity: minor
OS: Solaris
Platform: Other



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Low.Nov 22 2014, 12:11 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz34799.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

John du Hart helped set up a wikifarm for our beta cluster. I think he could help you. CCing him.

You probably have read

There is also Wikimedia Foundation configuration files at:

Start with CommonSettings.php / InitialiazeSettings.php

Joe, please contact John du Hart directly: john at compwhizii dot net

Lowering priority and closing this support request.