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For the "depicts" field on the updated "describe" step in UW, indicate that the items come from wikidata
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For the "depicts" field on the updated "describe" step in UW, indicate that the items come from wikidata - probably in the dropdown of options that appears when the user types

Event Timeline

A quick mock up what it could look like - which is show copy at the top in the auto complete dropdown)

wikidata .png (1×1 px, 108 KB)

@Sneha it'd be way simpler to do this the way it's already done on the File page. Do you think that'd be acceptable instead?

image.png (259×1 px, 32 KB)

@Cparle I saw that but thought it may be confusing to the new user. There is no context to what "from wikidata" means in the field itself when its empty. Having the label on top of auto complete suggestions makes it more understandable as to what we are referring to.

Ok - this component is used on the File page as well, is it ok if we also make the change there? To have it behave differently in the 2 places it's used seems like a bad idea (and tricky to implement)