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Release based on MW 1.41.2 (deploy-2)
Open, In Progress, Needs TriagePublic


Wikibase Suite Release Task

  • Pending issues as subtasks. If any open tickets need to be resolved and/or related changes need to be included in the release, add them as subtasks of this release ticket.
  • To release breaking changes as a new major version of WBS Deploy, create a new branch called deploy-X, where X is the new major version.
  • Create a release PR with the following changes targeting the appropriate deploy-X release branch.
    • Update variables.env by adjusting WBS versions and upstream versions. You can find further instructions in the variables.env file itself.
    • Update by adding a section following the example of previous releases.
    • CI should be green. Tests may need adjustments in order to pass for the new version. Minor releases are likely to pass without any adjustments. Try re-running tests on failure, some specs could be flaky.
  • Do a sanity check by manually reviewing a running instance using your build. This can be done locally on your machine or on a public server. You can find built images from your release PR on the GitHub Container Registry tagged with dev-BRANCHNAME, e.g., dev-releaseprep. This tag can be used to set up an instance running your release PR version.
  • Get two reviews on the release PR so that it is ready to be merged. Merging to deploy-X later will trigger the release to Docker Hub. Do not merge yet!
  • Prepare communication by creating a release announcement using a template.
  • Coordinate with ComCom on timing the publication of the release. Talk to SCoT (ComCom, technical writer) about this.
  • Publish the release by merging the release branch into the deploy-X branch. ATTENTION: This will automatically push images to Docker Hub!
  • Merge back to main in a separate PR from deploy-X to have adjustments to and alike available on main too. Changes from variables.env should only be taken from a release of the latest version so that main always references the build of the latest components.

You`re done. Congratulations!


Other Assignee

Event Timeline

roti_WMDE changed the task status from Open to In Progress.Tue, Jul 2, 1:41 PM
roti_WMDE renamed this task from Release based on MW 1.41.2 to Release based on MW 1.41.2 (deploy-2).Thu, Jul 4, 6:58 AM
roti_WMDE updated the task description. (Show Details)
roti_WMDE updated the task description. (Show Details)
roti_WMDE subscribed.