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Finalize branch and tag names for new versioning
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Docker Tags

@adee_wmde s branch on sem ver suggests the following docker image tag names:

  • 1.0.0_build20240620082242 - docker tag for full version with build timestamp
  • 1.0.0 - docker tag for full version
  • 1.0 - docker tag for major + minor
  • 1 - docker tag for major
  • deploy-3 - docker tag for WBS Deploy compatibilty
  • 1.0.0_mw1.42.0 - docker tag for full version with upstream mediawiki version
  • 1.0.0_wdqs0.1.137 - docker tag for full version with upstream wdqs version
  • 1.0.0_es7.6.1 - docker tag for full version with upstream elasticsearch version

I like those names and would personally approve them.

Git Branches

Derived from this, our git release branches could just have a name matching the docker deploy tag, such as deploy-3.
So currently we would have the following release branches in git:

  • deploy-1 for WBS Deploy 1.x.x that ships mediawiki 1.39
  • deploy-2 for WBS Deploy 2.x.x that ships mediawiki 1.41
  • deploy-3 for WBS Deploy 3.x.x that ships mediawiki 1.42

Installation instructions in deploy readme use branches now. Users do not checkout a tags, they check out a branch instead and can pull from that branch for updates. This PR updates the WBS Deploy readme to reflect the branch names above.

Git Tags

Before we used to tag versions such as wmde.20. This was also the thing users checked out for installation. As we now use branches for installation, we do not need the tag in the user flow anymore. I suggest we still tag WBS Deploy versions on the repository. So for our next three major releases, there would be tags for

  • WBS Deploy 1.0.0, called 1.0.0
  • WBS Deploy 2.0.0 called 2.0.0 and
  • WBS Deploy 3.0.0 called 3.0.0

on the git repo.

roti_WMDE changed the task status from Open to In Progress.Thu, Jun 20, 7:02 AM
roti_WMDE claimed this task.
This comment was removed by roti_WMDE.

As pointed out by @lojo_wmde, we could actually get along without the deploy-X docker tags. T368036

Actually, looking at the "_" separation between tag parts... As in "1.0.0_mw1.42.0". I think I'd prefer using the "-". I see the point that this violates semver, but it seems to be common practice on other docker hub image tags as well: or

So my suggestion would be:

  • 1.0.0-mw1.42.0
  • this then also works with 1.0.0-mw1.42.0-rc0
  • 1.0.0-build20240612221032

I agree with that. Moving that as actionable (pending any other opinions) to the ticket you created here:

So this is the updated suggestion then:

Docker Tags

  • 1.0.0-build20240620082242 - docker tag for full version with build timestamp
  • 1.0.0 - docker tag for full version
  • 1.0 - docker tag for major + minor
  • 1 - docker tag for major
  • 1.0.0-mw1.42.0 - docker tag for full version with upstream mediawiki version
  • 1.0.0-wdqs0.1.137 - docker tag for full version with upstream wdqs version
  • 1.0.0-es7.6.1 - docker tag for full version with upstream elasticsearch version

Git Branches

  • deploy-1 for WBS Deploy 1.x.x that ships mediawiki 1.39
  • deploy-2 for WBS Deploy 2.x.x that ships mediawiki 1.41
  • deploy-3 for WBS Deploy 3.x.x that ships mediawiki 1.42

Git Tags

  • WBS Deploy 1.0.0, git tagged with 1.0.0
  • WBS Deploy 2.0.0, git tagged with 2.0.0 and
  • WBS Deploy 3.0.0, git tagged with 3.0.0 on the respective deploy-X branches

On this let's add deploy-, e.g. deploy-1.0.0:

WBS Deploy 1.0.0, git tagged with 1.0.0
WBS Deploy 2.0.0, git tagged with 2.0.0 and
WBS Deploy 3.0.0, git tagged with 3.0.0 on the respective deploy-X branches

Also, are we git tagging for image versions? Like wikibase-image-1.0.0? We would right now have to do this manually each release, so maybe wait until we have a better versioning/build/release automation setup...

darthmon_wmde renamed this task from Finallize branch and tag names for new versioning to Finalize branch and tag names for new versioning.Tue, Jun 25, 5:07 PM

After a discussion today @lojo_wmde and I landed on:

Docker Tags

  • 1.0.0-build20240620082242 - docker tag for full version with build timestamp
  • 1.0.0 - docker tag for full version
  • 1.0 - docker tag for major + minor
  • 1 - docker tag for major
  • 1.0.0-mw1.42.0 - docker tag for full version with upstream mediawiki version
  • 1.0.0-wdqs0.1.137 - docker tag for full version with upstream wdqs version
  • 1.0.0-es7.6.1 - docker tag for full version with upstream elasticsearch version

Git Branches

  • deploy-1 for WBS Deploy 1.x.x that ships mediawiki 1.39
  • deploy-2 for WBS Deploy 2.x.x that ships mediawiki 1.41
  • deploy-3 for WBS Deploy 3.x.x that ships mediawiki 1.42

Git Tags

  • Wikibase Release Pipeline Repository Version 1.0.0, git tagged with v1.0.0
  • Wikibase Release Pipeline Repository Version 2.0.0, git tagged with v2.0.0
  • Wikibase Release Pipeline Repository Version 3.0.0, git tagged with v3.0.0