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Release based on MW 1.42 (deploy-3)
Open, In Progress, Needs TriagePublic


Wikibase Suite Release Task

Task accompanying the process of releasing a new Wikibase Suite version T359833: Release MediaWiki 1.42.0

  • Pending issues as subtasks. If any open tickets need to be resolved and/or related changes need to be included in the release, add them as subtasks of this release ticket.
  • To release breaking changes as a new major version of WBS Deploy, create a new branch called deploy-X, where X is the new major version.
  • Create a release PR with the following changes targeting the appropriate deploy-X release branch.
    • Update variables.env by adjusting WBS versions and upstream versions. You can find further instructions in the variables.env file itself.
    • Update by adding a section following the example of previous releases.
    • CI should be green. Tests may need adjustments in order to pass for the new version. Minor releases are likely to pass without any adjustments. Try re-running tests on failue, some specs could be flaky.
  • Do a sanity check by manually reviewing a running instance using your build. This can be done locally on your machine or on a public server. You can find built images from your release PR on the GitHub Container Registry tagged with dev-BRANCHNAME, e.g., dev-releaseprep. This tag can be used to set up an instance running your release PR version.
  • Get two reviews on the release PR so that it is ready to be merged. Merging to deploy-X later will trigger the release to Docker Hub. Do not merge yet!
  • Prepare communication by creating a release announcement using a template.
  • Coordinate with ComCom on timing the publication of the release. Talk to SCoT (ComCom, technical writer) about this.
  • Publish the release by merging the release branch into the deploy-X branch. ATTENTION: This will automatically push images to Docker Hub!
  • Merge back to main in a separate PR from deploy-X to have adjustments to and alike available on main too. Changes from variables.env should only be taken from a release of the latest version so that main always references the build of the latest components.

You`re done. Congratulations!

Related Objects

In ProgressNone
In ProgressNone
In Progressroti_WMDE
In Progressdanshick-wmde

Event Timeline

roti_WMDE changed the task status from Open to In Progress.May 22 2024, 9:33 AM

The checklist is not up to date anymore. Part of the next release will be to review the check list and update it according to the release process with the new versioning scheme. T367024

preparation branch merged to main

roti_WMDE renamed this task from Release based on MW 1.42 to Release based on MW 1.42 (deploy-3).Thu, Jul 4, 6:55 AM
roti_WMDE updated the task description. (Show Details)