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Display Alternative text if user has images turned off
Open, MediumPublic


Alternative text for images can be useful for visually impaired readers using screen readers, and for users with limited data who want to avoid loading images. The iOS app doesn't currently support turning off images, but the Android app has this functionality.

User story:
As a user with limited data, I want to read alt-text, so even if images are not loaded, I am aware of what is in the image

  • If an image contains alt text, and they have turned off images within the Android App settings, display the alt text as a replacement for the image

Current behavior
Wikitext contains alt text

image.png (2×1 px, 412 KB)

Article view when user has Settings > Show images turned off
image.png (2×1 px, 141 KB)

Event Timeline

JTannerWMF triaged this task as Medium priority.Tue, Jun 25, 4:08 PM
JTannerWMF subscribed.

This is a change the PCS Layer we should do this

JTannerWMF added a subscriber: Seddon.

@Seddon will assign this to someone

iOS currently doesn't have an automatic way to turn off images. When this toggle is on, we could no longer download images to save their data:

Understanding is that PCS offers output without loading images, but doesn't display those images with alt text in their place

Spike has been created to explore implementation: