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Gallery (traditional mode) thumbnails should use border-subtle, same as other thumbnails
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The <gallery> tag in traditional mode has thumbnails with a hardcoded border of 1px solid #c8ccd1. They don't look good in dark mode, and don't match other media thumbnails

Screenshot 2024-06-24 at 21.31.45.png (844×1 px, 889 KB)

They could be changed to use the border-subtle design token, matching other thumbnails

Screenshot 2024-06-24 at 21.54.53.png (834×1 px, 884 KB)

Event Timeline

Change #1049291 had a related patch set uploaded (by Pcoombe; author: Pcoombe):

[mediawiki/core@master] Use border-subtle for gallery (traditional mode) thumbnails

Change #1049291 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/core@master] Use border-subtle for gallery (traditional mode) thumbnails

matmarex assigned this task to Pcoombe.
matmarex subscribed.

Should be fixed by @Pcoombe's patch.