- This ticket will track the deployment and any blockers of dark mode for logged-in users to the Vector22 skin
User story
- As a readers, I want the ability to read in dark mode so that I can read easily in low-light settings
- The color section should be available on the appearance menu
- The default color should be "light"
- Selecting dark mode should change the page to appear in dark mode
- If the page is not available in dark mode, users will not be able to switch to dark mode and a notice will be available
- List of pages/features that appear/do not appear in dark mode is available here
Deploy 1
- Jul 10 - logged-in users for tier 1 wikis
- Jul 16 - all logged-in users
Deploy dark mode to all logged-in users on Vector 2022, ensuring the color section is available in the appearance menu, defaulting to "light" mode. Users should be able to switch to dark mode, and if a page is not available in dark mode, a notice should be shown.
Feature: Deploy Dark Mode to All Logged-in Users on Vector 2022 Scenario: Enable dark mode for logged-in users Given the user is logged in When the user accesses the appearance menu Then the color section should be available And the default color should be "light" When the user selects dark mode Then the page should change to appear in dark mode And if the page is not available in dark mode Then a notice should be shown
Test Steps
Test Case 1: Verify Dark Mode Deployment
- Log in as a user.
- Navigate to the appearance menu.
- AC1: Confirm that the color section is available.
- AC2: Confirm that the default color is "light".
- Select dark mode.
- AC3: Confirm that the page changes to appear in dark mode.
- Navigate to a page not available in dark mode.
- AC4: Confirm that a notice is shown indicating the page is not available in dark mode.
- Add mockups and design requirements
Acceptance criteria
- All subtasks are complete
- All requirements are complete
- All Communication criteria is complete
Communication criteria - does this need an announcement or discussion?
- Community is informed across wikis and any necessary questions and concerns are addressed
Rollback plan
- What is the rollback plan in production for this task if something goes wrong?
This task was created by Version 1.0.0 of the Web team task template using phabulous