Editors may sometimes add copyrighted text copied from a paywalled source. Such additions may not currently be uncovered by Earwig's Copyvio Detector because it is not able to access such sources. We have access to EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) in The Wikipedia Library, which editors use to browse content from The Wikipedia Library's publisher partners. EBSCO have given us API credentials to access EDS for the purposes of searching for copyrighted text on Wikipedia, and so we would like to add this functionality to the Copyvios tool.
Users must log in to Copyvios with their Wikipedia login via OAuth. As such, we can check if they are an eligible Wikipedia Library user with an API call (pending T372853).
We can add an extra checkbox on the search page for "Use The Wikipedia Library". Then, when they log in, we do the eligibility check.
If a user is library eligible...
We can display the full text to them in the Copyvios tool just as we do for open web content. When we do so, displaying the source URL is likely not very helpful because EDS URLs are not human-readable. Instead we could display bibliographic information like the source title, author, publication year, identifer, etc.
If a user is not library eligible...
We cannot display any text from the matching source, but we can still display the bibliographic information and match %. We can also highlight which text from the article matched in this source.
Instead of the source text, we should display a note about the user not being eligible for The Wikipedia Library.