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Failed to run update.php for PostgresQL: invalid input syntax for type bytea
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Author: beta

When I run update.php, following exception raised:

Changing column type of 'uploadstash.us_image_bits' from 'integer' to 'smallint'

...column 'oldimage.oi_bits' is already set as NULL
...column 'oldimage.oi_timestamp' is already set as NULL
...column 'oldimage.oi_major_mime' is already set as NULL
...column 'oldimage.oi_minor_mime' is already set as NULL
Changing 'image.img_metadata' default value
A database query syntax error has occurred.
The last attempted database query was:
"ALTER TABLE image ALTER img_metadata SET DEFAULT '\x'::bytea"
from within function "".
Database returned error "22P02: ERROR: invalid input syntax for type bytea"

PostgresQL version: 8.3.14

Version: 1.20.x
Severity: major
OS: Windows Server 2008
Platform: PC



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bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Low.Nov 22 2014, 12:23 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz36087.

Hi Pei-Tang,

which version of MediaWiki are you upgrading to?

beta wrote:

Dear Marcin,

I am using the most recent version from git.

Here is a proposed fix:

Can you try:

git fetch refs/changes/07/5307/1 && git checkout -b bug/36087 FETCH_HEAD

and test the upgrade again?

In any way I would be interested in having output from

pg_dump -U <pgsuperuser> -s -Fp -n mediawiki --quote-all-identifiers -O -x <yourdatabasename>

BEFORE and AFTER upgrade. (Change "mediawiki" to your PostgreSQL schema if using other than the default).

beta wrote:

After checkout the proposed branch, I got another error:

...index 'logging_page_id_time' on table 'logging' already exists
...index 'iwl_prefix_title_from' on table 'iwlinks' already exists
Creating index 'job_timestamp_idx' on table 'job' (job_timestamp)
A database query syntax error has occurred.
The last attempted database query was:

			SELECT opcname,
				i.indoption[s.g] as option,
				(SELECT generate_subscripts(isub.indkey, 1) AS g
						pg_index isub
					JOIN pg_class cis
						ON cis.oid=isub.indexrelid
					JOIN pg_namespace ns
						ON cis.relnamespace = ns.oid
					WHERE cis.relname='pagelink_unique' AND ns.nspname='mediawiki') AS s,
				pg_opclass opcls,
				pg_class ci
				JOIN pg_index i
					ON ci.oid=i.indexrelid
				JOIN pg_class ct
					ON ct.oid = i.indrelid
				JOIN pg_namespace n
					ON ci.relnamespace = n.oid
					ci.relname='pagelink_unique' AND n.nspname='mediawiki'
					AND	attrelid = ct.oid
					AND	i.indkey[s.g] = attnum
					AND	i.indclass[s.g] = opcls.oid
					AND	pg_am.oid = opcls.opcmethod"

from within function "DatabasePostgres::indexAttributes".
Database returned error "42883: ERROR: function generate_subscripts(int2vector, integer) does not exist
LINE 7: (SELECT generate_subscripts(isub.indkey, 1) AS g


HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.

I found that "generate_subscripts" function was introduced in PostgresQL 8.4, is PostgresQL 8.3 not supported by MediaWiki anymore?

Without having checked the actual problem: Why not use "''::BYTEA" as the default? It is equivalent to "'\x'::BYTEA" and compatible with earlier versions of PostgreSQL.

This seems to be not necessary at all, I checked with Mediawiki 1.7.2 upgrade and we get the default properly.

The problem is I didn't check with PostgreSQL 8.3 so now I need to fix indexAttributes.

(In reply to comment #4)

LINE 7: (SELECT generate_subscripts(isub.indkey, 1) AS g


HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.

I found that "generate_subscripts" function was introduced in PostgresQL 8.4,
is PostgresQL 8.3 not supported by MediaWiki anymore?

No, it should work.

I have updated the patch to fix this problem. Currently installing PostgreSQL 8.2 to test.

(In reply to comment #7)

I have updated the patch to fix this problem. Currently installing PostgreSQL
8.2 to test.

8.2 is no longer supported by PostgreSQL. I think supporting 8.3 is backbender enough :-).

Right. We support 8.3 as the minimum (8.2 does not have ENUM's we need for some tables).

I have tested migration of the MW 1.7.2 database structure on 8.3 to 1.20 and it works with the Patchset Two of gerrit change 5307

git fetch refs/changes/07/5307/2 git checkout -b bug/36087 FETCH_HEAD

beta wrote:

(In reply to comment #9)

I have tested migration of the MW 1.7.2 database structure on 8.3 to 1.20 and
it works with the Patchset Two of Gerrit change #5307

That patch works for me too, thank you!

Jdforrester-WMF subscribed.

Migrating from the old tracking task to a tag for PostgreSQL-related tasks.