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Article Feedback Tool - Internet Explorer 7 Display Issues
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Central Feedback Page on IE7 (no tools)

As discussed, the display of the article feedback tool is seriously broken on IE7, as shown in the attached screenshots of the feedback page.

The issues are pretty self-explanatory, and include:

  • icons are the wrong size (we can give you icons that are the correct size)
  • the layout is all wrong, with items overlapping each other
  • the number counter is incorrect (should not be zero posts)
  • the drop-down filter menu is misaligned
  • etc.

Some of these issues are related to the small size of the screen (1024 x 768), for which we may be able to find a design solution. But other issues appear to be caused by the Internet Explorer platform.

It may be necessary to create a special version of this software for IE 7 and 8.

Version: unspecified
Severity: major
Platform: PC


Article-Feedback-IE7-Bug1.jpg (768×1 px, 117 KB)



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bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Unbreak Now!.Nov 22 2014, 12:26 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz37011.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

Created attachment 10638
Article Feedback Page on IE7 (no tools)


Article-Feedback-IE7-Bug2.JPG (768×1 px, 125 KB)

Created attachment 10639
Article Feedback Page on IE7 (with tools)


Article-Feedback-IE7-Bug3.JPG (768×1 px, 125 KB)

Updated Gerrit & prototype: feedback form has been made IE7-compatible as well.
And didn't mention last time, but feedback log should now also display nicely on smaller screens: 1024 is ok now & even 800 gets by just fine (only minor display issues with filters)

Discovered 2 more IE7 issues:

  1. CTA4 display is garbled, with Create Account button illegible, Create Account and Log In buttons misplaced to the right, and Maybe Later link misplaced to the left, see screen shot.
  1. possibly not an issue in light of today's conversation, but might skew data collection: in IE7, negative feedback may be posted without a comment, but that is not true in other browsers, see screen shot.

Created attachment 10849
CTA4 garbled

CTA4 garbled


Screen_shot_2012-07-16_at_1.06.08_PM.png (334×1 px, 51 KB)

Created attachment 10850
negative feedback no comment postable

negative feedback no comment postable


Screen_shot_2012-07-16_at_1.07.38_PM.png (325×907 px, 41 KB)

Chris: The garbled CTA4 is something weird. I can reproduce it on prototype, but can't reproduce it locally, with the exact same code.
When visiting prototype in debug-mode ( it works perfectly fine as well.
It seems to have something to do with the CSS direct-child selector (>) being escaped (\x3e) in resourceloader. Worked around this; updated on both Gerrit ( & prototype

And, as requested yesterday & per Chris' comment, it is now possible to submit feedback without comment, after having voted both positive or negative. Up on Gerrit ( & prototype

Do you want me to cherry-pick both 15796 and 15798 on beta ?

Both changes got merged so I just ran the update on beta cluster updated AFTv5: f97811f..d3bd97f