Bug initially reported by ghybu.w@gmail.com (cf. bug #37436).
The name of some projects are amended by adding a suffix ("-yê", "yî" or "ê"
according to the word or the last letter of the name of the project), these
changes can not be done on translatewiki.net.
- {{ns:Project talk}} => Gotûbêja Wîkîpediyayê
- {{ns:101}} => Gotûbêja portalê
Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement
URL: http://ku.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=W%C3%AEk%C3%AEpediya:D%C3%AEwan/p%C3%AA%C5%9Fniyar&oldid=478508#Guft.C3.BBgo.2C_gift.C3.BBgo.2C_wut.C3.BBw.C3.AAj.2C_got.C3.BBb.C3.AAj_.C3.BB_n.C3.AEqa.C5.9F.2C_behs.2C_genge.C5.9F.C3.AE