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High OOM rate in refreshLinks2
Closed, ResolvedPublic


We're logging around 6000-10000 job queue OOMs per day:

$ for day in seq 15 17; do echo -n "August $day: "; zgrep -A2 'Allowed memory size of' fatal.log-201208$day.gz | grep unknown-host | wc -l ; done

August 15: 7239
August 16: 9737
August 17: 6492

They are OOMs from various points in the parser, with RefreshLinksJob2::run() as the ultimate caller.

These cause collateral damage beyond the article that actually triggered the OOM, since the whole RefreshLinks2 batch is lost.

Perhaps there is a memory leak.

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 22 2014, 12:58 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz39493.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

Speaking with Aaron now, it would seem this one maybe isn't a problem anymore. Tim, does this still look like a problem to you?

Actually it looks just as frequent as before.

OK, more info:

aaron@fluorine:~/mw-log$ for day in seq 25 30; do echo -n "Sep $day: "; zgrep -A2 'Allowed memory
size of' archive/fatal.log-201209$day.gz | grep unknown-host | wc -l ; done
Sep 25: 1359
Sep 26: 979
Sep 27: 823
Sep 28: 812
Sep 29: 769
Sep 30: 970

Seems lower the last few weeks.

aaron@fluorine:~/mw-log$ for day in seq 25 31; do echo -n "Dec $day: "; zgrep -A2 'Allowed memory size of' archive/fatal.log-201212$day.gz | grep unknown-host | wc -l ; done
Dec 25: 11
Dec 26: 11
Dec 27: 239
Dec 28: 46
Dec 29: 3
Dec 30: 4
Dec 31: 1

The jobs runner memory limits were doubled and the wikidata job batch sizes where also halved (again) on Apr 16 (those were piling OOMs of there own).

aaron@fluorine:~/mw-log$ for day in seq 10 21; do echo -n "Day $day: "; zgrep -A2 'Allowed memory size of' archive/fatal.log-201304$day.gz | grep -P "mw10(0[1-9]|1[0-6])" | wc -l ; done
Day 10: 6665
Day 11: 16169
Day 12: 29571
Day 13: 1879
Day 14: 142
Day 15: 6
Day 16: 141
Day 17: 27
Day 18: 0
Day 19: 0
Day 20: 0
Day 21: 0