A bunch of people have already requested this from me, but I just haven't gotten around to it yet.
It's not as hard as originally thought--what we'll want to do is rename in LDAP (using labsconsole), then have something that updates the gerrit db. There's only two tables needing updating:
accounts -> full_name
account_external_ids => external_id
The two queries are:
update accounts set full_name = "New Name" where full_name = "Old Name"
update account_external_ids set external_id = "gerrit:New Name" where external_id = "gerrit:Old Name"
For the account_external_ids, Old Name may not be the same capitalization as accounts...login is case-insensitive and was stored based on initial login (afaict).
Probably won't get to this immediately, but should only take half a day to whip up an SSH plugin for gerrit 2.5 that labsconsole can call to rename the user in gerrit.
(Note: the "official" suggestion for this right now is to rename in LDAP, login as the new user, then "merge" the two accounts. This is messy and way more error-prone than my new idea :p)
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