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Add user contribution links to existing user conflicts
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Author: swalling

Error screenshot

See the attached file.

It looks like there is some error output which is broken. When you attempt to create a username that is too close to an existing username (e.g. one character different) the error shows the associated user and links to their contribs. The contributions link is currently broken.

Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement


Screen_Shot_2012-09-26_at_11.45.59_AM.png (937×1 px, 297 KB)



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Low.Nov 22 2014, 12:46 AM
bzimport added projects: AntiSpoof, I18n.
bzimport set Reference to bz40576.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

'antispoof-conflict-top' => 'The name "$1" is too similar to {{PLURAL:$2|the existing account|the following $2 accounts}}:',

$message = wfMessage( 'antispoof-conflict-top', $name )->numParams( $numConflicts )->escaped();

I'm guessing the message functions are called wrongly..

Siebrands fault from

Errr, I retract that, slightly.

'antispoof-conflict-item' => '$1', # do not translate or duplicate this message to other languages

$message .= '<ul>';
foreach ( $conflicts as $simUser ) {
$message .= '<li>' . wfMessage( 'antispoof-conflict-item', $simUser )->escaped() . '</li>';

Mix of Siebrands change, and the enwiki customisation of said message

$1 (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Special:Contributions&target=$1">contribs</a>)

'antispoof-conflict-item' => '$1', # do not translate or duplicate this message to other languages

Probably makes most sense to fix this message upstream, and change the code to support the desired output. Maybe.

$message .= '<li>' . wfMsg( 'antispoof-conflict-item
', $simUser ) . '</li>';
$message .= '<li>' . wfMessage( 'antispoof-conflict-
item', $simUser )->escaped() . '</li>';

Technically, this isn't actually a bug... And should probably be swapped to a feature request to have the contribution links...

swalling wrote:

(In reply to comment #3)

$message .= '<li>' . wfMsg( 'antispoof-conflict-item
', $simUser ) . '</li>';
$message .= '<li>' . wfMessage( 'antispoof-conflict-
item', $simUser )->escaped() . '</li>';

Technically, this isn't actually a bug... And should probably be swapped to a
feature request to have the contribution links...

IMO, I don't think the contribution links provide clear value. The message just needs to tell the user that a similar name already exists, not tell them what the person has done.

kolbert subscribed.

Declining in favour of T209669, as the error output is no longer broken and that task seems like a more updated proposal.