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Parsoid: Linktrails should get a <nowiki /> added on serialisation
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Author: phil

Link includes the word 'and'

I edited the space after a link so that the word following was right next to the link. I then realised this was not what I wanted so added the space back
The preview indicated all was well with the space included but after saving the word after the link became part of the link

The text I had was
"A page about a test pilot and his job"
'test pilot' was a link

I edited the page and put the cursor before the 'a' in 'and' and pressed delete.
I then pressed Space to move the word back to its original position
Saved - the preview indicated all was well
After saving - 'and' had become part of the link

Looking at the page in the normal editor it seems the space has not been put back - the Visual Editor display indicates that it has

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal


link-following-word.png (161×283 px, 16 KB)



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 22 2014, 1:42 AM
bzimport added a project: VisualEditor.
bzimport set Reference to bz44779.

This appears to be a problem in Parsoid.

In VisualEditor the user has (effectively) created <a href="foo">bar</a>baz; it is unexpectedly converted into [[foo|bar]]baz instead of [[foo|bar]]<nowiki />baz, hence the confusion.

Gabriel, thoughts?

To me it seems that the VE should produce a DOM including the space:

<a href="foo">bar</a> baz

If that is not the case, then this is a bug in VE. Escaping for legitimate link trails was fixed in bug 33091, which is not yet deployed.

So either way, I don't think there is a bug in Parsoid here.

Ah, couldn't find the bug; thanks, Gabriel.

  • This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 33091 ***