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Add instance "Actions" to nova resource pages
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When looking at a project[1], and when looking at an instance, linked from the project page, there is no way to get to the Actions (add instance, delete instance, reboot, configure etc.).

One has to go to Special:NovaInstance[3], which then shows all projects I'm in, look up the instance again and then there is "Actions".


  • The "Instances" section on the Nova_Resource project[1] pages should be the same as the table shown for that project on SpecialNovaInstance (including the Actions column)
  • The Nova_Resource project page[1] should have an "add instance" link.
  • The Nova_Resource instance page[2] should have a row with "Actions".


Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 22 2014, 1:32 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz45513.

All of the required parameters were in Template:InstanceStatus [1]. I added this back in, but these instance pages are incredibly ugly. It would be awesome if someone could reformat them.

I cleaned up the presentation some as well.