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Allow to preselect a transcode when embedding thumbnails
Closed, DeclinedPublic


It would be helpful if a specific transcode (or the original resolution) could be preset when embedding a video in an article (something like [[File:video.ogv|thumb|200px|480p]]). Currently the lowest resolution seems to be preset.

Background for this request can be found at
To summarize: On some specific files the preset transcoding options might produce transcodes that are larger and/or have much poorer quality than the original upload. Since we can't influence transcoding options and disabling transcoding completely for some files is probably not an option either at least being able to chose the by default selected video quality seems like the only feasible possibility to gain some control over which video is played.

Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Low.Nov 22 2014, 1:50 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz49992.

mdale wrote:

The resolution is based on the embed size. One thing we could do is auto switch to higher resolution when you go into fullscreen.

For most of English wikipedia embed players now days pop-up a window to display the video, in such cases the embed resolution is larger because the player is larger.

It has been asked for on French Wikipédia too, because illegible text makes sometimes video useless.

brooke claimed this task.
brooke subscribed.

I'm going to go ahead and close this out as declined; transcode source selection is currently based on the size of the player (which is not the size of the inline thumbnail most of the time since we have a popup larger player now). In the future, source selection will also be done based on network conditions, etc.