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Make sure JS error logging respects user privacy
Closed, DeclinedPublic


  • EventLogging sanitizes UA strings, consider doing the same
  • consider not logging errors if the user has Do Not Track enabled
  • discard error logs after a while
  • gather feedback on what else should be done

Event Timeline

Tgr claimed this task.
Tgr raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
Tgr updated the task description. (Show Details)
Tgr changed Security from none to None.
Tgr subscribed.
Tgr removed Tgr as the assignee of this task.Jan 30 2015, 2:38 AM

At the time of creating this task it was assumed that the server side implementation of error logging would be based on Sentry. We have eventually decided on a different implementation, so de-tagging.

The parent task RfC has been declined, hence also declining this task.
If this task should still be open, then please update its description and associate an active project - thanks!