- angwiki's sitename is to be set to "Wikipǣdia"
*: Declension/cases: "Wikipǣdia" in nominative, "Wikipǣdie" in accusative, genitive, dative, and instrumental
- angwiktionary's sitename is to be set to "Wikiwordbōc"
*: Declension/cases: "Wikiwordbōc" in nominative and accusative, "Wikiwordbēc" in genitive, dative, and instrumental
- Wikiwordbōc (Wiktionary) needs "Ætēaca" and "Ætēacmōtung" made: these correspond to "Appendix" namespaces on other Wiktionaries
- Each namespace with a macron should have an alias without one. For example, "Æteaca" -> "Ætēaca". It would also be nice to have an alias without a macron and with "ae" instead of "æ" (e.g., "AEteaca" -> "Ætēaca").
Version: wmf-deployment
Severity: enhancement
URL: https://ang.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Gesprec:Hēafodtramet&oldid=177215#Project_Names.2C_Namespaces.2C_and_Other_Things