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Flow: Save moderation notes in revisions table
Closed, ResolvedPublic


IIRC, moderation notes should be saved in (a probably new column in) the revision table.

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal



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Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 22 2014, 2:39 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz57055.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

Define "moderation"? Standard for the moment is for rollback to be stored in rev_comment - an existing field - while revisiondelete and suppress are stored in logging. I'd actually advocate moving "hide" into the logging, rather than the revision table, unless there are factors I'm unaware of.

moderation = hide/delete/suppress/restore

We already add an entry to logging, when a post is suppressed/deleted (not sure why hiding should not log either, or what log it should be in; perhaps file another bug if you believe it should write to log too?)

This is more of a code thing. We currently "only" save the moderation reason to the log (which, for hiding, currently equals not at all). We'll need to have that information available (we'll probably need to display it in some places, why ask it otherwise) in the Flow revisions table as well.

The only way to get the moderation reason right now would be to query the logging table. Not only can't that be done in an effective way on a per-revision basis, it'd get even more troublesome if/once Flow is on its separate database.

Oh also see follow-up bug, something we can't accomplish until we also save the moderation reason in Flow's tables.

The WMF core features team tracks this bug on Mingle card, but people from the community are welcome to contribute here and in Gerrit.

Change 95985 had a related patch set uploaded by Werdna:
[SCHEMA CHANGE] Refactor of moderation logging.

Change 95985 merged by jenkins-bot:
[SCHEMA CHANGE] Refactor of moderation logging.