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migrate integration/jenkins.git to deployment system
Closed, ResolvedPublic


integration/jenkins.git is deployed MANUALLY on Jenkins slaves under /srv/slave-scripts. That should be done using the wikimedia deployment system:

In puppet:

  • symlink /srv/slave-scripts to /srv/deployment/integration/slave-scripts
  • add in the git-deploy configuration

Get that merged and applied on all slaves, will have to delete the existing /srv/slave-scripts directory to leave room for the puppet symlink.

Then, update Jenkins jobs templates and slave-scripts to user /srv/deployment/integration/slave-scripts instead of the obsoleted path /srv/slave-scripts.

Version: wmf-deployment
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to High.Nov 22 2014, 2:40 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz57063.

content hidden as private in Bugzilla

content hidden as private in Bugzilla

Change 95705 had a related patch set uploaded by Hashar:
deployment: integration/jenkins for Jenkins CI slaves

Change 95705 merged by Akosiaris:
deployment: integration/jenkins for Jenkins CI slaves

I have done the initial deploy from tin (integration/jenkins.git @fe7fa92).

Change 98509 had a related patch set uploaded by Hashar:
phase out /srv/slave-scripts

Change 98509 merged by jenkins-bot:
phase out /srv/slave-scripts

Change 98513 had a related patch set uploaded by Hashar:
phase out /srv/slave-scripts

Change 98513 merged by jenkins-bot:
phase out /srv/slave-scripts

The Jenkins master no more reference /srv/slave-scripts

gallium$ fgrep /srv/slave-scripts /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/*/config.xml

The slave scripts themselves no more reference that path.

There are still some references to /var/lib/jenkins in some jobs. They need to be tracked down and removed/migrated.

Sounds good now, the remaining occurrences of /var/lib/jenkins are in abandoned code paths which will be cleared out later on.