Author: gangleri
Please compare [[wiktionary:nl:user:Gangleri]] and [[wiktionary:la:user:Gangleri]].
You will see that "wikipedia" is not a valid interwiki at
[[wiktionary:la:Pagina_prima]] = wiktionary:la: .
Tray [[wiktionary:la:Victionarium:Taberna]], [[wiktionary:la:project:Taberna]]
and [[wiktionary:la:Wikipedia:Taberna]] and you will see that the "Backward
compatibility hack" is still active because off
function getNsIndex( $text )
global $wgNamespaceNamesLa; global $wgMetaNamespace; foreach ( $wgNamespaceNamesLa as $i => $n ) { if ( 0 == strcasecmp( $n, $text ) ) { return $i; } } # Backwards compatibility hacks if( $wgMetaNamespace == 'Vicipaedia' || $wgMetaNamespace == 'Victionarium' ) { if( 0 == strcasecmp( 'Wikipedia', $text ) ) return NS_PROJECT; if( 0 == strcasecmp( 'Disputatio_Wikipedia', $text ) ) return NS_PROJECT_TALK; }
The problem is at
if( $wgMetaNamespace == 'Vicipaedia' || $wgMetaNamespace == 'Victionarium' ) {
which is *always* the case in MediaWiki foundation projects.
Please compare with
if( $wgSitename == 'Wikipédia' ) { if( 0 == strcasecmp( 'Wikipedia', $text ) ) return 4; if( 0 == strcasecmp( 'Discussion_Wikipedia', $text ) ) return 5; }
There the condition depends on $wgSitename:
if( $wgSitename == 'Wikipédia' )
Please allow "Backwards compatibility hacks" to be dependend in LanguageXx.php
files only from $wgSitename and not from $wgMetaNamespace.
Please identify *all* afected LanguageXx.php files. I remember that I have
reported a similar bug for [[eo:]] (maybe also for [[la:]]) which was fixed by
Hashar. See
Thanks for your efforts in advance!
best regards reinhardt [[user:gangleri]]
Version: unspecified
Severity: normal