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keep ignoring new lines in [[MediaWiki:Ipboptions]]
Closed, InvalidPublic


Author: gangleri


To understand the issue: It is very hard to edit a BiDi text without new lines as:

15 מינוטן:15 minutes, 1 שעה:1 hour, 2 שעהן:2 hours, 1 טאָג:1 day, 3 טעג:3 days, 1
װאָך:1 week, 2 ‫װאָכן:2 weeks, 1 חודש:1 month, 3 חודשים:3 months, 6 חודשים:6
months, 1 יאָר:1 year, אומענדיק:infinite

It is much easier to edit somthing like this:

15 מינוטן:15 minutes,
1 שעה:1 hour,
2 שעהן:2 hours,
1 טאָג:1 day,
3 טעג:3 days,
1 װאָך:1 week,
2 ‫װאָכן:2 weeks,
1 חודש:1 month,
3 חודשים:3 months,
6 חודשים:6 months,
1 יאָר:1 year,

Both work work correctly with the actual implementation.
See [[wiktionary:yi:MediaWiki:Ipboptions]].

Please insert a *comment* in the source code that this behaviour (using new
lines) should not be broken.

Thanks in advance!

best regards reinhardt [[user:gangleri]]

Version: unspecified
Severity: trivial



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 21 2014, 8:59 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz4356.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

robchur wrote:

Er, well, if it ain't broke...

gangleri wrote:

Another solution would be to implement the request from
Bug 5121: Virtual lines using a trailing escape character (as "\")