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Wikitech search not returning anything (blank page)
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Version: wmf-deployment
Severity: critical



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bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Unbreak Now!.Nov 22 2014, 3:17 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz63839.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

(bah, fail at comment0)

Go to, search for something, see nothing

I'm inclined to remove Cirrus from wikitech until it can be properly managed from the cluster...

[Mon Apr 14 09:34:05 2014] [error] [client xx.xx.xx.xx] PHP Fatal error: Class 'Elastica\\Query\\FunctionScore' not found in /srv/org/wikimedia/controller/wiki
s/slot1/extensions/CirrusSearch/includes/Searcher.php on line 1106, referer:

Is deploy to wikitech not managed as part of the regular deploy? (Chad, that's to your comment)

(In reply to Ariel T. Glenn from comment #4)

Is deploy to wikitech not managed as part of the regular deploy? (Chad,
that's to your comment)

Nope, maybe it could be. It shouldn't be too much work - git fetch, checkout --track, submodule update. It's usually done whenever Ops remember/soemone pokes Op.

AFAIK non of platform (bar Ori and Tim having root) have access to the box.

So I had to toss extensions/Elastica on virt1000 and run git submodule update --init --recursive

Looks happy now. Meh.

otto wrote:

Thanks Ariel, not sure why this extension wasn't already committed as a submodule.

I upgraded wikitech on Friday to patch a security bug for Chris Steip. That was my first time upgrading.

I think we should move wikitech into trebuchet for deployments. git-submodules are still a little wonky in trebuchet, but once we get that worked out this would make deploying wikitech a little more standard.

Sounds like a good idea, and that would be a nice test case for moving to trebuchet for mediawiki deployments in general.