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Event not validating, unknown cause
Closed, InvalidPublic


Steps to repro:

  1. hit
  2. Note that it reaches varnish
  3. Note that it doesn't reach db

When URL Decoded, the payload comes to {"schema":"MobileWikiAppEdit","revision":8188113,"event":{"action":"start","userName":"yuvitest44","editSessionToken":"77078656-8520-4c5d-832a-7b37b4ba7cf8"}}

which to me looks like it should validate against both the EventCapsule schema and the MobileWikiAppEdit schema.

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to High.Nov 22 2014, 3:12 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz64024.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

In this example the capsule is missing, who is adding the capsule in your case?

I'm adding revision and schema, and I guess the EventLogging servers should add the UA?

When I checked the logs coming through from varnishcsa, they did have a UA

Cause was between keyboard and chair. I wasn't setting 'wiki' in the capsule, causing events to be discarded. Fixed.

Thanks to Nuria for spotting!