The current gallery code includes a lot of padding around the images (inside each single-image boxes; not counting the margin between boxes).
Simply allowing the images to fit the corresponding boxes would already be a great improvement (since the default gallery size, e.g. in category pages, is often insufficient to discern the details of non-closeup images).
However, ideally the screen space used by images should be maximized, producing a tightly packed page with most of the space dedicated to the images, rather than whitespace. This is how Flickr and Google+ do it, for instance:
It's not hard to do this for a fixed gallery width (just adjust the image widths so the heights are the same), and indeed this is implemented on Wikipedia:
That approach would be a great improvement, but it doesn't handle different screen sizes which would different row widths to be effective (e.g. in category pages). Fortunately, there's already solutions to that. Here's a link explaining how to implement a dynamic gallery in this way:
And here's a demo (try resizing the page):
Version: 1.24rc
Severity: enhancement
See Also: