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After login or logout, edit icons are not updated until page is refreshed manually
Closed, ResolvedPublic


If an article is protected or semi-protected and I decide I want to edit it, I log in. However, I still cannot edit unless I manually refresh that page; only then does the protected edit pencil become a regular one.

Likewise, if I log out and then return to a semi-protected article, the pencil still allows me to open the page and attempt an edit. Only upon trying to save do I get a message that I lack the rights to edit it.

Version: Beta
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 22 2014, 3:31 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz67480.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

Yeah, currently the 'editable' status (which is user- and page-specific) gets stashed directly in the Article entry in the local database, and we assume that login status doesn't change very often.

Will have to think about better ways to handle that, or at least trigger an auto-refresh after login/logout...

Checked with 5.0.0 (634) on iPad mini iOS 8.2

For both - logged and non-logged user editing a page does not require to reload it.

Non-logged users

  • can edit a semi-protected articles(e.g. 'Barack Obama'); the warning 'This page has been semi-protected' is displayed.
  • cannot edit a protected article - the edit pencil icon with a lock is greyed out - no action when it's clicked.

Logged in users

  • can edit semi-protected pages; the warning 'This page has been semi-protected' will be displayed when the edit button is clicked.
  • can edit protected pages (depends on the level of protection)
JMinor claimed this task.