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Translate extension uses misleading summary saying a page was created when it wasn't
Closed, InvalidPublic


The edit
has the summary 'Created page with "== Ligações externas =="' but the page was not created in that edit. The page being create was this one:

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 22 2014, 3:39 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz67865.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

Pretty certain this is a dupe. It's related to a logging issue.

I don't think so. MediaWiki is certainly responsible by the edit summary of the page being *created*, but are you sure it is using the [[MediaWiki:autosumm-new]] summary also for normal edits (i.e. when an *existing page* is edited)?

All metadata of edits on translation pages is carried over from the corresponding edits on Translations namespace, as it must. Yes, the unit is created when it's fist translated.

So it should use different metadata for these edits outside the Translations namespace, because this history doesn't makes sense:

(In reply to Helder from comment #5)

So it should use different metadata for these edits outside the Translations

No it should not in general, because bot/minor/whatever flags need to be respected; nor in particular, because otherwise users would have no way to alter edit summaries in translation pages. Wasn't it you asking for users to be able to attribute authors etc. in edit summary?

Yep. It was me. But I don't get it. There are two edits being made, only one of which is creating a page, so only one of them should say so in the summary (if there was no custom summary provided, when that is possible).