Page MenuHomePhabricator chooses wrong translation string for Korean
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I have been running archivebot from core for months.
When I ran using current master branch, I encountered following edit summary:

(로봇: 스레드 1개(다음보다 오래됨:)를 사용자토론:콩가루/보존문서2에 보존합니다.)

Which is similar to:

(Robot: Archiving 1 thread (older than 7d) to Commons:Village pump/Copyright/Archive/2014/11.)

However, this does not have (algo) dates, probably I assume [[translatewiki:FUDforum:Mnav older/ko]] is used instead of [[translatewiki:Pywikibot:Archivebot-older-than/ko]].

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I had similar problem in fa.wp and I fixed it but I can't recall what I did right now. Will let you know soon

The ko translation is not okay and it should be changed from:
'archivebot-older-than': u'다음보다 오래됨:',
'archivebot-older-than': u'다음보다 오래됨: %(duration)s',

it can be done through but getting that update takes weeks.