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Consolidate parsoid components
Closed, ResolvedPublic


These should all be the same project, no?

Event Timeline

Arlolra raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Arlolra updated the task description. (Show Details)
Arlolra added a project: Phabricator.
Arlolra changed Security from none to None.
Arlolra subscribed.

Please discuss with the team what is wanted. I cannot answer the "no?" part myself. :)


on irc, subbu says,

11:18:25 AM - subbu: ok. yes, it makes sense for them all to be the same project .. not sure if there is a field for that component business from bugzilla.
11:18:39 AM - subbu: i haven't used that field much when in bugzilla .. not sure if others have found it usefull.

I'll email more broadly and get people to come +1 here.

It is possible to have a single project and multiple additional tags. Since every issue can have many projects / tags assigned to it, it's possible to start with just the project by default, but also add finer-grained tags so that people can follow them / filter on them.

For services we just asked for few project / tags in T75769. We added some -rfc tags so that people can subscribe to those if they are interested in higher-level design discussions.

Qgil triaged this task as Medium priority.Nov 25 2014, 12:26 PM
Qgil subscribed.

You can assign this task to a member of the Parsoid team. Basically you need to either rename projects (including changing the label icon/color) or move tasks to the project(s) you want to consolidate, archiving the rest.

To do this properly, please check

You can also request to be added to acl*Batch-Editors and/or Project-Admins

I agree with having them all under one single project, maybe leaving the components as additional tags. But for SoS we still need a tag to represent the Parsoid team, which is the one "People" project named Parsoid. So my proposal would be:

  • Rename Parsoid to Parsoid-team.
  • Rename #Parsoid-General to Parsoid.
  • Move all other Parsoid-<component> projects to additional tags of Parsoid.

Does this make sense?

@marcoil yes, that seems reasonable. I'd suggest capitalizing Parsoid-Team though.

Arlolra claimed this task.

We followed through on Marc's proposal. Thanks.