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Engineer reads documentation on Wikitech to set up a dashboard from EL data [3 pts]
Closed, ResolvedPublic3 Estimated Story Points


Write the step by step documentation

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kevinator raised the priority of this task from to Unbreak Now!.
kevinator updated the task description. (Show Details)
kevinator changed Security from none to None.
kevinator subscribed.
kevinator renamed this task from Engineer reads documentation on Wikitech to set up a dashboard from EL data to Engineer reads documentation on Wikitech to set up a dashboard from EL data [3 points].Dec 1 2014, 7:12 PM
Milimetric renamed this task from Engineer reads documentation on Wikitech to set up a dashboard from EL data [3 points] to Engineer reads documentation on Wikitech to set up a dashboard from EL data [3 pts].Dec 2 2014, 4:09 PM

Got feedback from Toby: we need to include steps from the very beginning: I want to use event logging and "what's a schema?".

@kevinator and @Tnegrin: "steps from the very beginning" seems like scope creep. This task talks about dashboarding once you have EL data. If you're sure you would like to expand this, should I prepend sections to the exsiting page or add another page?

I'll create a separate task for steps from the very beginning. I spoke to the PM of the Collaboration team and some of the schemas they are creating are missing a maintainer and categories. They are skipping some steps.

Milimetric claimed this task.

I added some EL links on the discussion page. Resolving this as people are already using it!!