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Update wiki documentation related to RT
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We need to update the documentaton related to RT. The first step is to make a list with the most relevant pages.

Pages that likely need some updates (all of them already have a "might be outdated after move from RT to Phab" banner for the time being):

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Event Timeline

Qgil raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
Qgil updated the task description. (Show Details)
Qgil added a project: RT-Migration.
Qgil changed Security from none to None.
Qgil added subscribers: Qgil, jeremyb, Dzahn and 8 others.

(Only relevant about ops members trying to file a private ticket: I had one user with ops powers who got confused by the "Visible to" and "Editable by" fields on trying to restrict access via these fields. Note that those fields are NOT displayed to average Phab users and they are way above the "Security" dropdown but might be worth to tell ops members.)

so on the old pages we will link (or even redirect) to new docs about phabricator, right?

but what is our target URL? doesn't look yet like it would help a user much

do we first we need task "make wiki documentation related to phab" or is it just not on Wikitech?

'How to use Phabricator' type of documentation can go to mw:Phabricator/etc. Documentation about processes handled in RT that will be now handled in Phabricator can stay where it is now (most likely wikitech:). Does this make sense?

@Qgil @Andre are you guys planning to tackle this?

Aklapper updated the task description. (Show Details)

@Aklapper has added a banner to all the pages linked in the description above, and has done the very basic edits to warn users about the new Phabricator-based process.

I think the rest belongs to the SRE team.

The part of this task strictly related with the RT migration (basic update of links and references to RT / Bugzilla i solved.

The remaining work is basically about documenting the new processes that SRE is ironing after the RT migration.

Removing the RT-Migration tag.

SRE: Anything specifically left to do here or can this be closed?

chasemp claimed this task.

SRE: Anything specifically left to do here or can this be closed?

seems not