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Configure WMF groups so the enwiki Bot Approval Group can grant flow-bot right to Co-op bot
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Bureaucrats on enwiki need to be able to add (and remove) users to/from the flow-bot group. This is necessary after the Co-op team gets approval for their bot (T76785: Co-op: get approval for hostbot to flow-create-board right).

@MattFlaschen created so bureaucrats on testwiki and test2wiki could add the Co-op bot, but before it was +2d @Spage as sysadmin was able to add MatchBot to flow-bot on testwiki. That config change could be revived and updated to address this.

Event Timeline

Spage raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
Spage updated the task description. (Show Details)
Spage moved this task from Untriaged to Team discussion on the Collaboration-Team-Triage board.

Bureaucrats are responsible for doing this, so that's what the config change needs to allow.

gerritbot subscribed.

Change 181120 had a related patch set uploaded (by Mattflaschen):
Make flow-bot grantable/removable on enwiki, testwiki, test2wiki


scheduled for jan 28 afternoon swat

Change 181120 merged by jenkins-bot:
Make flow-bot grantable/removable on enwiki, testwiki, test2wiki

What is a flow-bot? Is there documentation about this?

I'm not sure I understand why the standard MediaWiki bot group was insufficient.

I'm also not sure I understand why Flow would need bots.

Hi @MZMcBride, this permission has been set up so that bots can create talkpages as Flow boards. The use case is documented here, and is being tested by User:MatchBot on Here's a sample.