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Requesting deployment access for milimetric
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Username: milimetric
Full name: Dan Andreescu

I have shell access to vanadium but I need sudo to deploy eventlogging. I think I already have access to tin, and I don't believe I need anything else there.

Event Timeline

Milimetric raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Milimetric updated the task description. (Show Details)
Milimetric subscribed.

I see two groups, eventlogging-admins and eventlogging-roots. You are already a member of eventlogging-admins, and there are 0 members of eventlogging-roots. Does that mean that you're requesting access that no one else has, at the moment? Or is there another user who already has the rights set that you need?



Andrew triaged this task as Medium priority.Feb 6 2015, 4:56 PM

Hm, sorry I'm not more familiar with how this is set up. Ori, Nuria, and Christian have the rights to do things that fail for me:

tail -f /var/log/upstart/eventlogging_consumer-*log
tail: cannot open `/var/log/upstart/eventlogging_consumer-all-events-log.log' for reading: Permission denied

Thanks for checking, I can follow up with them if it's not obvious how access is managed there.

OK, further research shows that qchris does not actually have those permissions, although he used to. Nuria does have those rights, but by mistake :)

So, I'm opening two Ops tickets to get you and nuria those rights officially. This will be discussed in the Ops meeting on Monday -- in the meantime please get your manager (Toby) to respond to this ticket approving your sudo access.

Oh, Toby, please confirm your approval of this right for both Nuria and Milimetric (since Nuria is getting her config updated as a side-effect.) Thx.

approved by manager for both Nuria and Milimetric.

gerritbot subscribed.

Change 189483 had a related patch set uploaded (by Alexandros Kosiaris):
Grant access to milimetric to tin for deployment


Change 189483 merged by Alexandros Kosiaris:
Grant access to milimetric to tin for deployment

Milimetric added a subscriber: akosiaris.

@akosiaris, I don't have access to see the event logging log files on vanadium yet. I'm re-opening this as that was a part of the request.

Change 192290 had a related patch set uploaded (by ArielGlenn):
root on vanadium (event-logging) for nuria and milimetric


Change 192290 merged by ArielGlenn:
root on vanadium (event-logging) for nuria and milimetric

ArielGlenn claimed this task.
ArielGlenn subscribed.

You and nuria should now both have the privs you need on vanadium. I'm closing this, reopen if there's anything amiss.

thanks very much Ariel, I have the rights I need, you rock.

milimetric was in the deployments group twice. (reported by Krenair) removed one of them here: