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List namespaces and their pages in RESTBase
Closed, DeclinedPublic


RESTBase already stores information about the namespace of a page. The next step is to provide this listing to the public via the following API endpoints:

  • /{domain}/v1/page/namespace/: lists all of the available namespaces, including aliases (if any), and perhaps canonical names as well
  • /{domain}/v1/page/namespace/{namespace}: gets info about a namespace, such as ID, name, aliases, canonical names, etc.
  • /{domain}/v1/page/namespace/{namespace}/: lists all of the pages available in storage that belong to the namespace with the given name; note that {namespace} may refer to a namespace's ID, name or alias

This should be easily-achievable. Specifically, it warrants the creation of a second table, which would store information about namespaces. Then, linking it to the table of pages titles (via the namespace property and the by_ns secondary index) should give us the list of pages in the given namespace.

Event Timeline

mobrovac raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
mobrovac updated the task description. (Show Details)
mobrovac added a project: RESTBase.
mobrovac subscribed.

Is this really a blocker for the release? There is nothing I know of that really needs this functionality right now.

GWicke edited projects, added Services (later); removed Services.
Pchelolo subscribed.

Given that MW will have REST API soon and there was no clear use-case for this, I'm closing it as declined.