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Tokenizer thrown off by < char on a line
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[subbu@earth lib] echo "equation C<r in <ref>foo</ref>" | node parse --normalize
<p>equation C&lt;r in &lt;ref>foo&lt;/ref></p>

Causes the diff: as reported on the WP:VE/F page.

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ssastry raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
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This is parsing as <r in="" <ref="">foo</ref> and then the r tag is being sanitized.

We changed to this behaviour in See the output for "Handle broken pre-like tags (bug 64025)".

The parsing spec ( doesn't omit < from attribute names.

However, the php parser clearly differs here:

<div id="1" <div id="2">ine</div>


&lt;div id="1"
<div id="2">

So, we could return to breaking on < or try and "fix" this on the php side. Any thoughts?

I verified in Firefox that it parses the div just like we do .. so, yes, the PHP parser is one that parses this differently. I wonder if it is because of HTML4 .. But, if we change the PHP parser behavior (which seems reasonable), that could break a lot of exisitng pages. So, not sure yet ..

Perhaps a grep of dumps can help inform whether we change PHP parser behavior or fix Parsoid to deviate from HTML5 syntax.