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Reporters/Authors should be also subscribed to migrated tasks
Closed, ResolvedPublic


In Bugzilla, the default preferences are such that the user gets emailed about all bugs he or she reported even if not CC'd. However, I am apparently not subscribed to all my tasks.

To (migrated from, I am "Automatically Subscribed" though not listed as a subscriber. (Does this mean that when someone else subscribes, I am no longer subscribed? Is there even a user guide for Maniphest?)

To (migrated from, I am apparently not subscribed at all. I see "Subscribers None", and the button says "Subscribe", not "Unsubscribe".

In contrast, when I create a new task I am explicitly listed as a subscriber.

Event Timeline

PleaseStand raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
PleaseStand updated the task description. (Show Details)
PleaseStand added a project: Bugzilla-Preview.
PleaseStand changed Security from none to None.
PleaseStand subscribed.
Qgil triaged this task as Low priority.Oct 26 2014, 2:58 PM
Qgil added subscribers: chasemp, Qgil.

I don't know why in one task you are "automatically subscribed" and not in another, maybe @chasemp can help here.

However, being the Author of the task I believe the difference is irrelevant: authors should receive updates of actions in their tasks just like subscribers. (please correct me if I'm wrong)

I don't think there is a user guide that will go into this level of details. There is, where edits are welcome.

I am not sure what 'Automatically Subscribed' means in this context. I think in Phab terms author is CC'd at task creation, explicitly, and assignee never is. We can change this so that when teh author is updated we ensure CC. If reporter == author I mean.

By never is, I mean never explicitly in the CC field by default. That doesn't mean they don't get updates, but I would have to tinker to determine the extent of it.

Qgil renamed this task from Reporters are not automatically subscribed to migrated tasks to Reporters should be also subscribed to migrated tasks.Oct 28 2014, 10:52 AM
Qgil raised the priority of this task from Low to Medium.

It turns out that Authors not CCed don't receive updates. The migration script should add authors to CC, emulating what Phabricator does by default when someone creates a task manually.

@PleaseStand, thank you for catching this detail.

chasemp renamed this task from Reporters should be also subscribed to migrated tasks to Reporters/Authors should be also subscribed to migrated tasks.Nov 3 2014, 2:19 PM