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Make a list of pages available for translation
Closed, ResolvedPublic


There should be a special page like UnconnectedPages that lists those pages that has no linkage to a specific language where ContentTranslation gives translation support. In this case, the previous link to "nynorsk", the list should contain links to pages with no entry for "bokmål". Those entries should then link to ContentTranslation like described in T91930 - Usable parameters from he URL should be reused at the first landing page

Event Timeline

jeblad raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
jeblad updated the task description. (Show Details)
jeblad added subscribers: jeblad, Aklapper.
santhosh claimed this task.
santhosh subscribed.

Content translation dashboard now has a link that points to to find articles not present in your language, but in other language. I hope this address the immediate need.

T87439 tracks the progress of works related to article suggestions

I am closing this task in favor of T87439. You can give your suggestions there