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rack and connect labstore-array4-codfw in codfw
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This is the tracking task to connect the labstore storage expansion into labs; named labstore-array4-codfw.

We'll need @coren to advise which system this shelf needs to attach to. Once he does so, it'll determine where this racks.

Once you have that info, please assign the task back to me so I can see if we need to shift any other systems around to fit the shelf addition.

Event Timeline

RobH assigned this task to coren.
RobH raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
RobH updated the task description. (Show Details)
RobH added projects: ops-codfw, acl*sre-team.
RobH added subscribers: RobH, coren, Papaul, Andrew.

@Papaul: This needs to be configured and wired the same way eqiad currently is wired. Please ask @Cmjohnson for a recent diagram, I believe he has updated it when labstore100[12] were expanded with the new shelf.

(Sorry, I should have probably mentioned that this shelf is intended for labstore200[12] alongside the other four)

So this will rack in b1-codfw.

Lets get the layout of the eqiad labstore on this task so we can compare, and then see if we have to move anything around in b1-codfw, or if this shelf can just go in open space at top of the rack. is the layout of the rack.

I'd suggest at minimum moving labstore-sparearray2001-codfw up 2U and putting this in the spot it vacates.


Please work with @Cmjohnson on getting the layout of eqiad replicated in codfw for this (as he advises.) I'm asking Chris to help on this, since I wasn't involved in the cabling of these particular systems, and he was.

RobH renamed this task from rack and connect labstore capacity expansion in codfw to rack and connect labstore-array4-codfw in codfw.Mar 19 2015, 4:48 PM
RobH updated the task description. (Show Details)
RobH set Security to None.
fgiunchedi triaged this task as Medium priority.Apr 2 2015, 9:45 AM
fgiunchedi subscribed.

This ticket has been open for some time; @Papaul, can you confirm that this was done and that the current codfw setup mirrors the eqiad setup? Starting from a well-understood setup is important as we are about to make changes to the layout.

Stay waiting on Chris to give me the layout of labstore2001-array4

Given that plans for a NFS-serving labstore in codfw are put on indefinite hiatus and that the current role of that server is to serve as destination for backups, this is now moot.