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Showcase/inspire: rendering Wikipedia using RESTBase
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Showcase mini-wikipedia's like @cscott's MiniWiki (talk slides), possibly @Jhernandez' webkipedia as well.

  • lightning fast
  • RESTbase provides styling

Also/or example of converting parsing requests to RESTbase

  • see thread "[Wmfall] VisualEditor on Wikipedia now faster with RESTBase",
    • Barack Obama page loading faster.

Maybe merge API:Styling content or refer to it.

Event Timeline

Spage raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
Spage updated the task description. (Show Details)
Spage added a project: Web-APIs-Hub.
Spage moved this task to Article candidates on the Web-APIs-Hub board.
Spage subscribed.

Jan Eissfeldt commented

Most cases I handle want to reuse either the articles, especially through the mobile-friendly format and the new REST API, to mirror WP under circumstances where it is not readily available (Burkina Faso, mainland China, West Africa), or simply get partial data sets to feed their own apps/app proposals.
That reflects that most folks I deal with aren't by default coders who do stuff in their free time but institutions like ISPs or other corporates.

He remarks "people get stuck how our data is licensed, and what the latter means"

Spage renamed this task from Showcase/inspire: converting to RESTBase to Showcase/inspire: rendering Wikipedia using RESTBase.Oct 19 2015, 10:08 PM
Spage updated the task description. (Show Details)
Spage added a project: Documentation.
Spage set Security to None.
Spage added subscribers: Jhernandez, cscott.
GWicke claimed this task.
GWicke subscribed.

There have been quite a few mobile prototypes using REST API content, and the apps are using RB content exclusively. There is also work under way towards an API driven mobile web frontend. Lets call this one done as far as showcases are concerned.