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some non-ascii characters do not show up in uploaded usernames and result in invalid usernames
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I reproduced this with the following list of users pasted into the text box:
Mária Dobøemyslová
Veronika Rudolfová
Petra Skalníková
Kateøina Kuèerová
Daniel Hašek
Tomáš Mihulka

The resulting cohort showed the following invalid users:
Tomáš Mihulka
Mária Dobøemyslová
Kateøina Kuèerová
Daniel Hašek

Tomáš Mihulka and Daniel Hašek display as "Tomá Mihulka" and "Daniel Haek" in the username column ( but copy/paste as above (the usernames of all invalid users listed above were c/ped from the username column on the cohort page, not from the original list).

Firefox 36.0, Ubuntu 14.10.

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Event Timeline

Fhocutt raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Fhocutt updated the task description. (Show Details)
Fhocutt subscribed.
Fhocutt renamed this task from some non-Latin characters do not show up in uploaded usernames and result in invalid usernames to some non-ascii characters do not show up in uploaded usernames and result in invalid usernames.Mar 30 2015, 7:19 PM

I just got feedback from a user today that they couldn't upload their usernames in Arabic (assuming the same issue described here). Pasting the usernames in the text box worked fine, however (resulting in valid usernames in the cohort).

mforns subscribed.

Declining because Wikimetrics is being discontinued. See: T211835.