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VE image updating: test two concepts side by side
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Preparations for testing
  • recruit 10 participants
  • define time to do testing
  • test pilot
  • Prototypes from Kaity
  • design research prototocol
  • decide on tasks to test
  • decide on other things to test in the hour
  • check about amazon gift cards. are they purchased? how do I distribute them?
  • pilot using hang outs

Trello card: D1dVSHfd

  • column: Input Needed

Event Timeline

aripstra moved this task from Backlog to In Progress on the Design-Research board.
aripstra moved this task from In Progress to Staged on the Design-Research board.
aripstra removed a subscriber: KHammerstein.

@Jdforrester-WMF is this still a valid task, or should it be closed? We can always open a new task later once we've discussed priorities for your team and ours.